My commute, in pictures

Ever since I’ve added Claritin to my midnight routine, I now consider my commute to be among the best in America.  Driving would take fifteen minutes; it takes twenty-five if biking briskly.

1washington bridge washington bridge 2

Views from the recently (re)opened Washington Bridge sidewalk.  It’s a bit tight for two-way traffic, but I think I’m leaving early enough to not run into anybody coming the other (normal) direction.

path 1

Moving shot from the East Bay Bike Path, a path that only kinda sorta follows the main road.  Yay rails-to-trails!

And views from further down the path into the lagoon zone:

path 2  path 3

And perhaps the best part is the return:  catching and passing dudes on carbon fiber bikes on my beater with my tie flapping in my wake.  Unfortunately, too tired to snap those photos.

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